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My Experience Taking Care Of Parkinson Patients

My Experience Treating Parkinson Patient

Hallo...I'm sita  a Caregiver from Indonesia who have been works in Singapore for many years. This time I want to share my story about my work experience caring of Parkinson patient. This is my first experience in caring a Parkinson patient. 

Do you know, what is Parkinson..?

For ordinary people, of course, we don't know what Parkinson is. Only people who work in the health sector may understand more about what Parkinson is, and also people with Parkinson.

Parkinson is a neurological disease that gets progressively worse and affects the part of the brain that coordinates body movements. As a result, sufferers have difficulty regulating body movements, including when speaking, walking, and writing. Then what is the best solution for people with Parkinson ..?

Let's see about Parkinson..!

1. How to give the right food to people with Parkinson

A person with Parkinson certainly needs to adjust their diet. Especially give food intake to people with Parkinson disease with sufficient protein levels, such as: fish, eggs, beans, green vegetables and others. Why is that ..? Because Parkinson sufferers experience neurological disorders caused by lack of protein intake in the brain. So the nerves deteriorate gradually and damage brain tissue. When brain tissue is damaged , the nerves that function to coordinate body movements will stop or not perform their activities perfectly so that some of our body parts are difficult to move , such as : hands , feet , mouth when speaking etc .

2. Exercise

Why are people with Parkinson required to exercise..?

We need to know that damaged nerves will affect the movement of limbs of people with Parkinson. Therefore , to flex the parts of the body with Parkinson 's sufferers we must exercise regularly . And what sports are suitable for people with Parkinson ..?

Okay ..!

Sports With Hand Movements

•Moving the fingers•Moving each elbow on the body parts •Movements in the head, either shaking or rotating in a circular motion slowly 

•Swing your legs and rotate them at the ankles alternately

Exercise By training the vocal cords

• Shouting with a aaaaaa with face looking up . Do it repeatedly in a day and do it every day or once a week 3 times.

•Practice the  a i u e o

aaaaaa....iiiiiii....uuuuu...eeee ..oooo..

Why should it be done so ..? Because to train muscles that used to be narrow become loose so it's easy to produce sound.

Sports With Rubber Rope Movement

Strength pulls the rope with several models and styles, such as:

1. Standing/sitting upright with right and left hands holding a rubber rope vertically and then pulling it to the right and left side repeatedly 

2. Stand/sit straight with your arms at your sides horizontally, then pull up and down alternately with your right and left hands. 

3. Stand/sit upright, both hands up by holding the rubber rope, then pull the rubber rope to the right and left vertically. 

4. Standing/sitting upright, circle the rubber rope in a semicircle on the back and pull it with both right and left hands towards the front. Do it repeatedly to flex your elbows and strengthen your chest. Stand/sit upright, put the rubber strap on the soles of the feet/step on, then pull with both hands up and down.

5. Stand/sit upright, put the rubber strap on the soles of the feet/step on, then pull with both hands up and down.

Exercise with Box or Bottle

•By simply transferring bottles or boxes from one hand to another in turn. Either with your hands on your back, up and down or transfer through your back or back.  

•Train your footwork with the box such as hand up, step up step down, step out and step in.

Yoga Exercise

•Lie on your back and move your arms to the right and left

•Lie down and lift your legs alternately slowly and surely alternately 

•sit ups if able to do 

•Breathing exercise by sitting cross-legged and inhale and exhale slowly. And do it over and over again.

•Lying down with your feet paddling like riding a bicycle


•Cycling, besides enjoying playing, is also a sport that many young and old enjoy. Both the sick and the non-sick. For Parkinson's patients themselves, cycling is highly recommended to relax the muscles in the elbows and leg muscles, making them strong for walking.

Administering Medicines Regularly and Appropriately 

•As caregivers of Parkinson patients, we must know how to give the correct medication for Parkinson's disease. 

Basically, the drug is taken after eating or with food. But for this Parkinson drug the other way . it should be given a period of 1 hour on an empty stomach before taking Parkinson drugs. In the sense that 1 hour before taking Parkinson medication, do not eat anything. And after 3045 minutes after taking the medicine, it was only allowed to eat. Why is that ..? This is because it is to avoid and maintain that food and medicine are not mixed up , which results in useless and ineffective . Because the Parkinson drug itself contains a protein that is useful for consuming less protein in the brain. So the drug should not be taken at the same time as other drugs or food.

In treating patients with Parkinson , we must be patient . Because besides being difficult to walk , it is also difficult to communicate . Sometimes it is not clear in speech, which may be a misunderstanding between the nurse and the patient. 

Well, this is where I can get new knowledge from treating Parkinson patients and make it an experience for me, how to treat Parkinson patients.

I hope this article can be useful for readers who may have the same job as me. And it's also useful for ordinary people who don't know what Parkinson disease is.

Thank you